Sunday, February 24, 2008

Running, Part II

As of yesterday's run, I doubled my mileage from January to February.

Conditions are crazy here in Bloomington, though. Most of the roads I run on have a good amount of traffic, and some of those roads are extremely narrow residential thoroughfares. This means that I often have to run on the sidewalk, which I try to avoid due to cracks in the sidewalk tripping me up. Running on asphalt is generally better for your legs than concrete, as well.

But yesterday, the roads were icy and crowded, so I did my run on the sidewalks. In some locations, it was fine - for some reason, a narrow path of non-ice had been carved out on the sidewalk. But in other spots, it was quite treacherous, and the entire path was frozen over for a number of yards. That slowed down my pace quite a bit, but it was still a good run.

1 comment:

Billy said...

Now you're just making me feel bad. I haven't found time to get out and run more than twice a week so far this month.

I did sign up for the lottery for the Grandma's half marathon though, so hopefully that'll give me inspiration to get out and run again.